
God has given each person in our parish talents to use in service to one another. Please offer yourself and your gifts of time and talent for the ministry of Christ’s Church.

Contact the parish office for more information.

(Training will be provided for all those who volunteer in areas where training is required.)


Proclaim the Word at weekend and special masses. (Must be Confirmed)

Eucharistic Minister

Distribute communion at Masses (Must be confirmed)

Altar Server

Assist at Masses


Seat worshippers, distribute bulletins and other information, receive the offering at Masses.


Provide music leadership for psalms, hymns and acclamations at Mass.


Vocal and instrumental musicians are always welcome to get involved.


Provide accompaniment for cantors, singers and soloists at weekend liturgies. Usually works with cantor.


Prepares the sanctuary before Mass with some clean up after Mass.


Needed for religious education, preschool through 11th grade.

Social Justice Committee

Seeks to apply Church teachings about social concerns to current issues and to share that information with the parish as a means of education and action.

Prayer Chain


Monthly Activity Groups