Sacred Heart Catholic Church is located at 115 N. Franklin St. in Glenwood, Minnesota.
Father Joe Vandeberg is the pastor.
The times of Mass on Holy Days of Obligation and Daily Liturgies vary. Check the weekly bulletin or call the Parish Office (634-3813) for times.
History of our Church
Prior to the property being purchased in 1887, Catholics in the Glenwood area would travel to St. Bartholomew in Villard. The actual construction of the church was started in 1902, and completed by 1903, with 30 families on the roster. The land for the cemetery was acquired in 1933. A fire in 1945 damaged the basement of the parish house. However, with a building fun started to construct the super-structure, by 1952 not only was the super-structure complete, but also additional land had been purchased. During the 1960’s and 1970’s, numerous renovation and building additions took place, such as the installation of the stained glass windows. The parish continued to grow, having 118 families in 1961. In hopes of having a Catholic school, the brick Parish Center was constructed in 1967, as Sacred Heart had 241 elementary and high school students on its roster. The 1970’s ushered in the era of having more youth programs and women active in the liturgy. With the continued dedication of its 470 families, Sacred Heart continues to be a fiscally sound and vibrant parish, serving the local needs and providing hospitality for its many lake country visitors.
Parish Council:
Trustees – Kathleen Peterson and Chris Rodgers
Regular members – Lea Hippe, Greg Kaiser, Steve Klick, Kevin Marthaler, Marlena Marthaler and Diane Meyer
Grounds & Maintenance Committee:
Bradley Kollman, Terry Bot, Shannon French, Roger LaSota, David Rasmussen, Bruce Skogrand, and Father Joe
Cemetery Committee:
Jerry Jensen, Dave Rasmussen, and Merle Wagner